The Importance of Connectivity During a Pandemic


The Importance of Connectivity During a Pandemic

TLDR: The Federal Communications Commission and Internet service providers have taken steps to improve broadband access in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, seeking to promote increased connectivity across the U.S. network as more Americans rely on at-home broadband access.  

What’s Happening This Week: As startups and consumers prepare for disruptions to everyday life as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the FCC, ISPs, and congressional lawmakers are calling for steps to help minimize harms from the growing demand for broadband services.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced on Friday that dozens of major ISPs had signed on to his "Keep Americans Connected Pledge” to continue providing unimpeded broadband access to consumers. The pledge, which is in effect for 60 days, asks companies to not terminate services for consumers or small businesses, to waive late fees, and to open access to public Wi-Fi hotspots for “any American who needs them.” Internet providers like Comcast, T-Mobile, and Sprint also announced plans to upgrade all existing customers to unlimited data plans for the next 60 days to help respond to the increased demand for Internet access.

Two leading Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Reps. Greg Walden (Ore.) and Bob Latta (Ohio) released a statement that praised the FCC’s pledge but also called for bipartisan action to “continue this momentum to expand broadband access as Congress takes emergency measures to combat COVID-19.”

Why it Matters to Startups:  With many choosing to "social distance" and avoid public places, Internet companies are filling a vital need for consumers, and ensuring unimpeded access to broadband services will help minimize the disruption to consumers and small businesses.

There has already been a noticeable increase in the reliance on digital services. Startups that offer videoconferencing services and other remote work tools have seen a sharp rise in usage as consumers begin working from home to limit the virus’s spread. U.S. grocery delivery apps have also seen a record number of daily downloads as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state governments, and local governments have begun calling for restaurants and other non-essential services to halt dine-in services to limit the spread of the virus. 

With the growing consumer demand for these types of services as daily life is disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, it is essential for broadband services to remain accessible to anyone who needs them. While experts say that the country’s Internet network is strong enough to handle the growing surge in demand from workers and students working from home as a result of the virus, maintaining across-the-board Internet access is critical.

The growing reliance on broadband services, both here and abroad, shows the necessity of startups and other Internet companies during these uncertain times. By ensuring that Americans continue to have Internet access—and by working to ensure that broadband services are financially accessible—the FCC and ISPs are helping to negate the economic impact of the ongoing pandemic.