Statement on the Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act

The following statement is attributed to Evan Engstrom, Executive Director of Engine, regarding today’s introduction of the Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act:

Engine is proud to support the Consumer Data Privacy and Security Act, new legislation from Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) that establishes clear federal standards for how businesses should collect, store, and utilize their users’ personal data. 

User privacy is critical for early-stage companies, since it’s the smaller firms that stand to suffer the most from a loss of consumer trust in the Internet ecosystem. This legislation carefully balances strong pro-privacy standards with feasible requirements for startups operating on limited budgets, ensuring that new firms are not put at a competitive disadvantage. The national framework also preempts state laws, providing startups and consumers with one set of uniform rules for safeguarding and managing personal information. 

We are pleased that Sen. Moran has introduced legislation that will provide consumers with greater control over their personal data, while also continuing to promote growth, competition, and innovation across the U.S. startup ecosystem.