Congress is Asking: Tell Your Patent Story

Members of Congress are seeking comment from the tech entrepreneurial community about how the current patent system impacts their businesses, a promising sign that policymakers are paying attention to the harmful effects patent litigation has on emerging growth companies.

Earlier this month, Santa Clara University Assistant Professor of Law Colleen Chien testified before the House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property about the desperate need many startup founders and entrepreneurs face for reform of the patent system. Resulting from that discussion in Washington was a sense that members of Congress need input from our community with regard to what’s working and what isn’t with patents.

Professor Chien has put together a brief survey for those of you at startups who spend your time working on patent demands, to share your experiences with the current system. The survey responses will form the basis of opening a dialogue with members of Congress about what’s happening in our community, and what some of the solutions are to improving the system.

So, if you or your company is dealing with these issues, take a few minutes (Colleen promises it won’t take more than 15, and don’t worry, your answers will be kept confidential) to tell your story so we can start down the road of making changes in the patent system that work for startups.