Engine Applauds Signing of USMCA

The following statement can be attributed to Engine's Executive Director, Evan Engstrom:

The United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) signed by President Donald Trump this morning is a welcome step for startups looking to innovate and grow on a global scale. USMCA has been hailed as a template for future trade agreements between the U.S. and other countries, and we’re pleased that the deal includes startup-friendly provisions that defend IP rights and promote intermediary liability protections.

In particular, USMCA’s critical digital trade framework provides U.S. startups with greater certainty as they expand their business operations in a globally competitive online marketplace. We commend President Trump, the U.S. Senate, and the House of Representatives for passing USMCA with bipartisan support and for crafting a trade framework that promotes entrepreneurial growth and success.