38 Groups From Public Interest To Industry Sign Letter Supporting Section 230 Ahead of Hearing

Washington – As the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law plans a hearing Wednesday on the law that enables online services to host user-generated content, diverse organizations from academics to industry to public interest groups sent a letter to Subcommittee leaders. The letter acknowledges that Section 230 is the legal framework that enables anyone to create spaces online where user communities can gather and share content, to the benefit of Internet users and online expression. 

“Because of Section 230, people have more ways, places, and opportunities to connect than ever before,” the signatories tell Sens. Blumenthal and Hawley, Undermining the law would result in “fewer places for communities to gather online and less expression, including fewer of the communities and less of the expression you support.”

You can find the letter here.